Ahhhh but Sara -you do have an aesthetic! The ability to be comfortable in your skin, regardless of what you are wearing. You don’t need clothes to project your views, self worth or seek admiration from others. You shine in soil covered dungarees or a dress.
I’m a jeans and t shirt girl. I’m not fancy. I also have occasions of sharing your thoughts. But I can’t justify spending hours on my aesthetics. I can’t remember the last time I wore make up. And I’m ok with this.
I remember years ago, being away with old female friends. One girl looked amazing all dressed up. In the morning when the hair extensions came out, false lashes were removed, contouring was rubbed off, foundation was removed and her face was bare, she looked naked. But .... she only looked basic because of the image we had seen before.
I used to try to keep up. I used to dress up daily. But when I didn’t, I felt I looked ugly.
We are all beautiful as we are. In our own skin. Whilst there is nothing wrong with dressing up, there is also nothing wrong with not.
You have your aesthetic. And in this day and she, it probably makes you more unique than all the highly polished and edited versions. That becomes exhausting!