My Heart Broke on Sunday, and My World Is Now Eerily Quiet

The mornings are the hardest

Ali Hall
2 min readFeb 13, 2024
Author’s own image

My rhythm of life mutates,
As your rhythm of life stops.
A stark reminder of fragility and impermanence.
Sediments of our love weigh heavy.
But in the frantic search for your presence,
There is peace in the stillness.

For you have left me with your ferocious courage and unwavering self-knowing.

You gifted me permission to embrace my weird and wonky self.
You taught me that the discarded and overlooked can still glow brightly.
Our flaws can be our superpower.
Keep running, my perfectly imperfect boy.

The last piece I wrote here was centred around my late Princess Jasper, where I describe the influence Jasper has over my life.

“Even in death, Jasper reminds me how to live: with enthusiasm, taking joy from the simple things, embracing the wind on my face and running for fun.”

And now, just days after writing that piece, my darling boy has drifted off to join his sister.



Ali Hall

✍Well-being, feminism & personal growth. Childfree & owner of Life Without Children. Lover of trail running & dogs. Also at