Oh Art, I feel this. I recognise the trigger this will have caused you. Well done you for trying your best to let it go. But I also recognise how difficult this is. You want answers. WHY did she say this to you? WHAT did you do?
I had a recent thing where someone was going to be doing a little bit of design work for me. All was going well. A few messenger chats back and forth. She even started following all my socials. And then BLANK. Totally ghosted me. When I enquired as to whether or not she would make the deadline, she sent a very kurt reply saying she was no longer able to do it. I then saw she had blocked me across all socials.
What had changed in a matter of a few days?
Most peculiar! I wanted answers. But I managed not to dwell on it too much.
I managed to prevent myself from blaming myself or asking "have I done something to offend you"
We all make choices. In your story, she chose to be mean to you without reason or explanation. That is not very adult. If she wants to impose such criticism on you, atleast explain why! Pretty rude if you ask me.