So, we cover honey and bees on day 12. I am not a bee expert in the slightest. Infact, let's be honest, I'm not an expert in anything.
But I do a bit of research and reading and share my findings.
I think there are a number of different ways honey and wax is obtained. Some is horrific and harms the bees. Some bee keepers kill off their bees each year as it is more cost effective than having to feed them over a winter period!!!!
And as for some bee keepers... just the other day, I saw a post on social media about how best to kill the Queen Bee as she wasn't doing her job properly!
In industrial honey production there is artifical insemination! Bee's are posted out through the postal system and wings clipped.
But there are hives and hive keepers which work in a more mutually beneficial way. But given the provenance can not be guaranteed, this is why honey is not vegan. As ultimately bees are still exploited.
Some sources of honey, if I personally am happy with the provenance, I would eat. Many vegans would criticise me for saying that.
I hope - one day - to keep bees. I'm not adverse to all ways. But I do need to know more about it.
Day 12 - hopefully I will have more answers for you by then. :-)