Thank you for adding to the conversation and for raising some essential points.
As a childfree advocate and someone who writes vehemently on the childfree choice, I must politely dispute your sentence " Kids are the single best thing that can happen to you in this life"
For you this sentence may ring true, and that is great. There are many people for whom this isn't the case, they have kids and don't experience this.
And then for others, like myself, who choose not to have kids, there are other things that are "the best thing" that can happen to us, it's not kids. And that's ok.
Then there is the demographic who want kids but can't have them, by enforcing that sentence on them only serves to deepen their loss.
The point is, there is no wrong or right way to live when it comes to having or not having kids. The important thing is that we all find our own version of what brings us meaning, joy and purpose. For some people that's raising children, for other people this is found in otherways.