Thank you Sandra. Yeah, I guess it is easy for us, if we aren't fashion conscious to live ethically clothing wise. I know many people who have been brought up with shopping as a hobby and the purchase of new outfits for each weekend being ingrained in their value.
I guess I would feel very conflicted if I was into fashion and clothes and image.
The leather one is a difficult thing. On the one hand, I understand if the animal is being used for meat anyway, there is no point is discarding the hide. On the other hand, at what point does it stop. If the demand for meat goes down, but the demand for leather remains high, will the same amount of cows be bred and slaughtered for the leather?
So, I still see it as a supply and demand thing. Does that make sense?
And, personally, I don't like the idea of wearing a dead animal.
Now, also what I would like to say (I felt really drained when I wrote todays piece, so couldn't quite word this, but I don't want to hide it). I do still have a pair of leather boots. I have a wool jumper. I have a leather sofa. All of these items I've had long before I went vegan. I will use then until they need replaced. When I replace them I will replace them with alternative options.
Some may say I'm hypocritical, but I am still just doing the best I can, in the circumstances I am. :-)