We can all only do the best we can with the body and situation we have. Thank you for being interested and for reading.
Interesting question about the natural/organic dairy industry. Truthfully I don't know much about it. It is something I will look into it when I get a chance. Sadly, there aren't many of them and ultimately the cows/calves will still be exploited, but hopefully in a kinder way ... if that makes any sort of sense?
I'm saying this bit to a few of you angels (please excuse the copy and paste): I know you comment on many of my stories and for this I am HUGELY grateful. I know there is never any obligation, but please don't feel pressured or obligated to comment on my daily veganuary posts. There will be 31 of them, and whilst your connection here means the world to me, I would hate to become a chore to you.